Classical Yoga sets itself apart from other styles of yoga as it is not only about practicing asanas (physical postures), it is also about deeply exploring the Breathing, Meditative, and Relaxation dimensions of this practice. This integrated approach moves the practitioner toward balance in all aspects - including mental, physical, emotional, social, environmental, spiritual - of his or her being and leads to the development of the Self.
"Yogendra Rhythm" of breathing developed at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai will be used to improve the efficacy, efficiency, and meditative quality of yoga practice.
By practicing the 8 steps of Classical Yoga, an inner awareness develops that gradually carries over into all areas of life. Regular practice of Classical Yoga not only improves health, awareness, flexibility, and strength it also removes fear, stress, and anxiety leading to a balanced, connected (improved relationships), focused, successful(creative), peaceful, harmonious, and joyful life.

This was a recurring event presented twice by Lalit Jairath and Monique of the University of Guelph Yoga and Meditation Collective presented between 12noon and 1 pm EDT on June 22 and June 24.