Your generosity in consenting to present at this conference is a big push in propelling the educational goals of Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc. (SHEN). SHEN is dedicated to the promotion, development and delivery of formal and informal education in the spiritual heritage of humanity with a view to integrate humankind both at the local and the global scales; hence the theme of the conference: Education to Globalize the Human Mind.

Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc. is dedicated to the mission of providing easy and didactic access to the thinking and findings of those enlightened beings (prophets, sages, scientists and seers), who have spent their lives studying the nature of humankind and its relationships in the universe. The peak spiritual experiences of these exemplars comprise the core spirituality of all religions. It is unifying, all-inclusive, and it is meaningful to humankind, irrespective of faith or the lack of it.

In addition to education, our objectives include research in the spiritual heritage of humanity and its means of communication in educational settings. This effort is multi-religious, multi-disciplinary and community based. It includes both cognitive and conative components. We are interested in building networks of goodwill and cooperation with individuals and organizations. We hope this conference will be a prelude to a long and fulfilling relationship in furthering our shared goals.

Specifically, our purpose is a clear communication of the core spiritual principle that the universe is an indivisible whole thoroughly pervaded and intimately connected by its ground of being in addition to the teaching of meditative and contemplative skills to absorb it deep into our consciousness to guide our lives.

Spiritual Education must be delivered and pursued ethically. We have attempted to compile a code of ethics (please click menu item called “Conference Ethics”) for this endeavor. We request you to review it with a view to suggesting changes to improve and complete it and to be particularly sensitive to their spirit while making your presentations and workshops.

Additionally, we are seeking your permission to use your presentations in text, figures, photo, video, audio or in any format whatsoever in the proceedings of the conference to be published in print and/or on the web, and for SHEN’s educational work at anytime in future. Please ask if you want to to edit the draft(s) before publication. Please inform us in writing before the start date of the conference if you chose to withhold your permission; otherwise permission will be assumed to have been granted.

Finally, we ask you to stay focused on the theme of the conference and personalize your presentations by sharing your own stories and insights that are relevant to it.

Please tell us how we can make your conference experience a memorable one. We request you to kindly help promote the conference amongst your contacts especially those in our immediate geographical area. We thank you so, so very much for your kindness and generosity in sharing your valuable time with us.