We have been beset by innumerable human problems on a global scale for centuries. They have eluded all attempts of resolution. These problems arise from our natural human condition. Until and unless we practice a strategy of transcending the human condition, we will suffer these problems.

Here is a compelling list of some of these problems:

High speed of individual survival-oriented lives on autopilot, driven by latent impressions of the unconscious and subconscious manifesting as random mental wanderings,

Discrimination, bigotry and violence based on belief systems, race, the colour of the skin, caste, nationality, region, language, culture, gender, gender orientation, etc.

World peace and harmony,


Irresponsible consumption and environmental disorders,

Mental and physical health diseases and disorders,

Lack of attention span and learning disorders,

Lack of emotional and spiritual intelligence,

Self-centeredness and lack of belonging,

Lack of tolerance of diversity and equity,

Lack of values and ethics,

Lack of executive function,

Lack of trust, “us” versus “them” divisiveness,

Purposelessness, addictions, stress, poverty, crime, and unhappiness

Deaths with gun violence and drug overdose