SHEN, or the Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc., was founded in response to the identity savagery witnessed during India's partition in 1947. Led by Dr Shiv Talwar, SHEN aimed to eradicate such savagery by delving into a metaphysical and scientific understanding of human behaviour and its modification.

Metaphysics, the study of reality beyond the physical, unveils the profound truth that the universe is not just matter and mind but also spirit, a fusion of energy and consciousness. This perspective, in contrast to the view of physics, has practical implications that can enlighten and empower us. It sheds light on the origins of matter, living beings, and consciousness, offering a deeper understanding of the meaning behind existence.

Religion, deeply rooted in metaphysics, often devolves into divisive belief systems. SHEN, however, takes a different approach. It seeks to deepen the understanding of religion beyond mere acceptance or belief, emphasizing its metaphysical foundations. In doing so, it offers a fresh perspective that can bridge the gap between different human identities and foster a more inclusive understanding.

Through research into the metaphysical structure of the human mind and body, SHEN explores how behaviour is shaped by unconscious, subconscious, and conscious faculties. Evolutionary biology parallels this progression, with humans evolving conscious awareness over a long time.

Neurobiology confirms this metaphysical model, demonstrating the physical correlates of each mental faculty in the brain. To become fully human, individuals must empower their conscious faculty to govern their lives rather than being controlled by unconscious and subconscious impulses.

Identity and otherness are inherent aspects of existence, both metaphysically and biologically. While survival instincts drive differentiation and fear of others, transcending these impulses is key to realizing our interconnectedness.

SHEN is not just about theoretical understanding. It advocates practical steps towards a more conscious life. By encouraging practices that slow the pace of life, SHEN empowers individuals, including you, to transcend survival instincts and embrace conscious living. When disseminated widely by individuals like you, this approach can transform the human condition and end identity-based and other elusive human problems.