Three mental faculties are associated with different stimuli. Immediate stimuli demand instantaneous reflex responses by the unconscious mind that limits creaturely life. 
Stimuli deemed urgent elicit immediate reactive responses by the subconscious mind. Minds of animals, except mammals, are limited to two capabilities: unconscious and the subconscious. Subconscious responses leave experiential memories called emotions classified as fear, pleasant, unpleasant, and helplessness. 
Stimuli that can wait for conscious consideration elicit conscious responses of which only mammals are capable. Humans are the most evolved species of mammals.
Nature programs our in-built genetic memory with existential needs of “I” and “other” identity to survive, sustain, and procreate. Working un/subconsciously, keep us occupied in divisive sense gratification and identity conflicts. 
Yogic practices cultivate a sense of conscious self to regulate our lives freeing us from the slavery of in-built instincts.