Our natural instincts keep our consciousness so enslaved in doing their bidding that we fail to seek its release from them.
The purpose of this event is to experience a practical, systematic and never failing strategy of raising human consciousness above our survival instincts which are all consuming. Humans are the only species with an inbuilt ability of doing so but we are largely unaware of it.
All beings are programmed by nature to survive, sustain, procreate and protect their identity. As a result, we are born with an inbuilt mind set of survival, sustenance, procreation and ego identity.
This mind set is responsible for the state of sympathetic dominance prevalent in human beings. As a result, nature runs our autonomic survival functions in a certain way. With a little effort, we can change the way nature works and reduce or reverse our state of sympathetic dominance and cause our consciousness to transcend mere survival, sustenance, procreation and ego identity.

Event Host: Dr. Shiv Talwar of Spiritual Heritage Education Network

This event was presented in the Supernova Room.