On behalf of the Spiritual Heritage Education Network, I will humbly share a possible solution to world unity and harmony that we have been researching and developing for over twenty years.

We are now at a point of making a formal proposal to the attention of stakeholders in education and governance at the local, national, and international levels to re-envision and redesign education to judiciously blend unifying contemplative learning with the prevailing education at all levels from primary to university. We intend to publish this proposal in the form of a book to make it available widely. You are invited to access the statement of the proposal and an executive summary at this link: bit.ly/3wa3vaQ. Background material will be presented in a number of appendices.

Education can change cultures. We are looking forward to your help, participation and contributions on contemplative education to make the vision of one planetary family a worldwide reality.

Please visit HERE for downloading proposal that we intend to publish for the attention of stakeholders in local, regional, national and international education and governance to envision the future of education to judiciously blend unifying contemplative learning with the prevailing education at all levels from primary to university. We request a read and your ideas.

Event Host: Dr. Shiv Talwar of Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc.

Please click HERE for downloading proposal that we intend to publish for the attention of stakeholders in local, regional, national and international education and governance to envision the future of education to judiciously blend unifying contemplative learning with the prevailing education at all levels from primary to university. We request a read and your ideas.