Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

COVID-19 Pandemic- A Global Threat: Humanity Transformation 2020
The Covid-19 – Challenges & Crisis 2020
We are living in difficult times of Global health crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic, we are now experiencing an unprecedented time filled with uncertainty as COVID-19 is rapidly spreading. The virus is also causing great fear, anxiety, worry and panic in the mind due to decreasing human values and increasing greed, corruption, and materialism.
The current global pandemic Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak has posed a profoundly serious challenge to the entire world, including India. At global level, it is said to have so far (April 23, 2020) infected (confirmed cases) 27 lakh peoples, caused more than 191000 deaths which is 7 percent of the total cases, affected more than 210 countries and damaged economies to inconceivable levels. The real damage, both in terms of loss of lives and economic loss, is expected to be much more than what is being observed at present.
Corona Virus19 - A Wake Up Call for Humanity
“The new corona-virus disease is attacking societies at their core, claiming lives and people’s livelihoods”, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres
The corona-virus pandemic is the most challenging crisis the world faces since the Second World War, one that is killing people and will also lead to an economic recession that probably has no parallel in the recent past, UN chief Antonio Guterres has warned. The new report, "Shared responsibility, global solidarity: Responding to the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 31 March 2020
Our highly interconnected world is being impacted as never before, it is the time to think together beyond borders and our many differences, to find solutions to this global health crisis. This pandemic poses unique challenges for us, we must live separately observing social distancing, and home quarantines. Corona Virus is not only a Global health Virus but also a virus of Global Economic crisis due to selfishness, greed, and corruption towards humanity.
COVID-19: Humanity Transformation from Materialism to Spiritualism
At present we are living in culture of materialism, violence & hatred, negative thoughts & emotions decreasing our vibrations and producing the Corona virus due to lowering vibrations and decreasing human values. As our vibrations lower more and more of the virus is entering into our body and spreading in the the society, country and in the world.
We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history of destruction of humanity. There is an urgent need for self- introspection, inner purification, and expanding the reach to society to face the global challenges and to achieve sustainable Peace and human well-being in 21st century. It is the time to think together for new ways of thinking together and working together for consciousness transformation from material consciousness to Spiritual consciousness for achieving sustainable peace on the earth and to save the humanity in 21st century.
COVID-19: Self- Transformation by Practice of Compassion for Unity of humanity and Building a better world.
“Every crisis contains both danger and opportunity,” said Pope Francis about the present situation.
In this current era of global pandemic Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) different viruses are produced due to Ego,Corruption,Greed (ECG) , culture of materialism and process of globalization and liberalization which has increased poverty , inequities in our society , produced tremendous injustices and created division of humanity.
There is also a rising movement of peace building, compassion, and spiritual transformation from Violence to Peace, From Greed to Giving, From Corruption to Compassion and moving towards for self-transformation for creating a Peaceful & Harmonious World in 21st century.
This Corona19 time also presents a great opportunity for inner purification, self-transformation, Peace-building and practice of Compassion in our communities that provides hope for change.
• C- Practice of Compassion: (From practice of Corruption to practice of Compassion)
• O – Obstacles to Opportunities – Practice for Values of Truth & Peace
• V - Culture of Virus & Violence to Culture of Peace & Harmony
• I - Critical Inquiry & Inspiration
• D- Right Direction & Social Distancing
This Corona19 time also presents a unique opportunity to Practice compassion for self and towards others – both the affected and the unaffected and also Practice for Compassion ,Values of Truth for self-transformation from Culture of Materialism to Culture of Spiritualism (Peace & Harmony) for creating a Peaceful &Harmonious World in 21st century.
With Love, Peace & harmony to all.

Dr. Subhash Chandra, President & Chairman Board GHA
Global Harmony Association, India
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony
Vice-Chair of the International Jubilee Gandhi Committee (GC)
M-+91 9910241586 ; E-mail

Dr.Subhash Chandra

COVID-19 Pandemic: Self-Transformation and Humanity Transformation 2020
In this current era of global pandemic Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) different viruses are produced due to Ego, Greed & Corruption (EGC) , culture of materialism , process of globalization and liberalization which has increased poverty , inequities in our society and tremendous injustices and also created the division of humanity.
This Corona19 time presents a great opportunity for inner purification, self-transformation, peace-building, and practice of compassion in our communities that provides hope for change.
• C- Practice of Compassion: (From practice of Corruption to practice of Compassion)
• O – Obstacles to Opportunities – Practice for Values of Truth & Peace
• V - From Culture of Virus & Violence to Culture of Peace & Harmony
• I - Critical Inquiry & Inspiration
• D- Right Direction & Social Distancing
Practice Love, Peace, Compassion & Mindfulness (LPCM) for creating a better world.
With Love, Peace & harmony to all.
Dr. Subhash Chandra, President & Chairman Board GHA
Global Harmony Association, India
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony
Vice-Chair of the International Jubilee Gandhi Committee (GC)
M-+91 9910241586 ; E-mail

Fri, 05/08/2020 - 07:02 Permalink