Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

The 16th United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations and Academic Conference in Vietnam
from 12th to 14th May, 2019.
The 16th United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations and Academic Conference will be hosted by the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha at the Tam Chuc International Buddhist Convention Center in Ha Nam Province, Vietnam from 12th to 14th May, 2019.
The main theme of the conference this year is "Buddhist Approach to Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Sustainable Societies."
Sub Themes
• Mindful Leadership for Sustainable Peace
• Buddhist Approach to Harmonious Families, Healthcare, and Sustainable Societies
• Buddhist Approach to Global Education in Ethics
• Buddhism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
• Buddhist Approach to Responsible Consumption and Sustainable Development
Please submit your full paper on one of the conference themes that best fits your scholarly expertise by the deadline of February 20th, 2019. We will appreciate it if you choose to write a paper on the theme No. 4 "Buddhism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution". This topic is of great interest to the worldwide Buddhist communities; however, we have received little response to this theme.
The conference papers should be written in Times EXT Roman, 12 pts, 8-12 single-spaced pages in length, with Harvard Referencing Style. Please send the completed papers to the conference coordinator, Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu, at
Once again, we would be honored if you could grace us with your valuable contribution. Should you have further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Yours sincerely in the Dhamma, UNDV 2019 - Academic Team
On behalf of
Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu
UNDV 2019 Conference Convener
Deputy Secretary-General, ICDV-UNDV 2019 International Organising Committee
Vice Rector, Vietnam Buddhist University
Executive Member, National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha
For message enquiries:
For conference enquiries:
For paper submission in Vietnamese:
Hotline: +84 798 317 332

Dr.Subhash Chandra

The UN Day of Vesak Celebration is internationally a cultural and humanistic festival of the United Nations International Organizing Committee. The established process of this celebration commenced in year 2000.
On 15th December 1999, at the 54th conference of the United Nations General Assembly, after discussing item agenda 174 of the program, the General Assembly was officially recognized and acknowledged the celebration or the Day of Vesak (commemorate three days, the birth of the Buddha, his attainment of enlightenment and his passing away, equivalent time is the Full Moon day in the month of May).
Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all
Dr. Subhash Chandra President & Chairman Board (GHA)
Global Harmony Association (GHA) India
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony
M +91 9910241586 ,E-mail::

Fri, 04/26/2019 - 04:49 Permalink