Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

International Mother Earth Day
April 22, 2019 Earth Day, 2019
GHA Message to the World Citizens and
Peace Leaders “Earth Day 2019”
GHA Earth’s Mission:
Promoting Peace, Protecting Earth Planet &
Creating Global Nonviolent Peaceful Harmonious Civilization.
Earth Day 2019 - Protect Our Species
International Mother Earth Day provides an opportunity to raise public awareness and to take actions for Protecting Earth Planet & Promoting Peace around the world.
The theme for ‘International Mother Earth Day’ in 2018 is:
"To protect our species to prevent a global ecosystem collapse".
Take Personal Responsibility to protract the Earth Planet & Stop the Culture of Violence & Wars.
Mother Earth is a common expression for the planet earth in a number of countries and regions for protecting the earth planet & promoting Peace & Harmony on the earth. The Peace, People, & Planet are interconnected with each other. Earth planet and Global Peace are inseparable and cannot exist alone without the other. The Year 2019 as the “World Year of Gandhi Nonviolence” in January and approve this initiative at the UN General Assembly and UNESCO in February.
The theme for ‘International Mother Earth Day’ in 2019 is: to protect our species to prevent a global ecosystem collapse Global Peace Science as science of harmony between Earth, Peace & People - (Spherons) of the population, Society.& Humanity Survival.
GHA International Jubilee Gandhi Committee "GHA GC" 2019
for protecting ecosystem and promoting Peace & harmony for saving the humanity in 21st century.
International Mother Earth Day- This Day also recognizes a collective responsibility, for social and civic participation for Earth Protection by conservation and sustainability, Peace & Sustainability, “Women's equality and & Sephron’s Harmony.
Global Peace Science Global Peace Science 2016 First Common Good and Human Right Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI century. Turn on the idea of Spherons, which are the only ones on a global scale and consciously capable of ensuring the survival of Mother Earth and saving it from the inevitable destruction of an ecocide in nuclear war in prepared by the West on 100%.
GHA calls to inspire all peace leaders for protecting the Earth Planet & Promoting Peace & Sustainability.
Let us join the Global Peace movement of Protecting the Earth Planet Movement!.

Dr. Subhash Chandra
Associate Professor (Hon.) Intercultural Open University, (IOU), NL.
GHA President and Board Chairman, Global Harmony Association (GHA)
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India
M-+91 9910241586 E-mail:

Dr.Subhash Chandra

The theme for ‘International Mother Earth Day’ in 2018 is:
"To protect our species to prevent a global ecosystem collapse"
International Mother Earth Day provides an opportunity to raise public awareness and to take actions for Protecting Earth Planet & Promoting Peace around the world.
BE THE CHANGE Stand up! Join up! Take action.
GHA calls to inspire all peace leaders for protecting the Earth Planet & Promoting Peace & Sustainability.
Dr. Subhash Chandra
Associate Professor (Hon.) Intercultural Open University, (IOU), NL.
GHA President and Board Chairman, Global Harmony Association (GHA)
M-+91 9910241586 E-mail:

Fri, 04/26/2019 - 04:22 Permalink