Renison University College, University of Waterloo, 240 Westmount Road North, Waterloo, Ontario

SHEN's Tenth Annual Reflective Conference

Education to Globalize the Human Mind 

Recent events throughout the world remind us that our civilization often fails to see, feel and cultivate ‘oneness in diversity’. We have not fully absorbed modern scientific knowledge that humans are hard-wired  for empathetic connection and cooperation.

Indeed, we continue to easily forget the wisdom of the ages that we are One.

To face global challenges together, we must learn to transcend the alienating sense of separateness that generates fear, greed, and violence. It is urgent that we develop our innate sense of Oneness and animate this consciousness—the humble and uplifting awareness that we are One—to prevail over negativity.

In this conference, we explore barriers, sensitivities, and strategies to implement practical public education that cultivates unity in diversity. Through multidisciplinary educational initiatives that deepen personal and cultural insight, we build hope for a world where compassionate interdependence is realized.

The conference is interactive with input from all—everyone is a learner and a teacher. The conference is equally meaningful to persons of science as well as religion, as we learn that religions are many but their wisdom is one and that this wisdom converges with the summit of scientific discovery. Learn practices to help cultivate unifying wisdom and develop an appreciation of social, political, religious, humanist, and academic implications of education in Unity in Diversity.

Come to learn and to share your ideas as we visualize education for the future. Come for interest in the common or personal good or for interest in educational governance, public policy, politics, religion, interfaith peace-building, or the environment. Come to bring an end to us vs them mentality that keeps us forever in conflict. And come to help build a society where everyone lives in equitable harmony and health.

Science and spiritual wisdom are inviting us forward to move through our sense of separateness—into Unity in Diversity. 

All are welcome!

Event    Program   Discussion Leaders   Registration

Sat, 09/28/2019 - 12:00