1946 India: Hindu Muslim violence in Calcutta
1947 India and Pakistan: Refugees fleeing religious violence
1947 India and Pakistan: Regugees fleeing identity savagery
1947 India and Pakistan: Refugees fleeing religious violence
1947 India and Pakistan: Refugees fleeing from identity savagery
1947 India and Pakistan: Shelters for people fleeing identity savagery
1945: Nagasaki, Japan
1945: The Holocaust
The Holocaust: Romani children in Auschwitz
2001: Twin Towers in New York, NY
Spouse Abuse
Spouse Abuse
Family Violence
Mindless Deforestation and Clear Cutting of Rain Forest


SHEN exists to eliminate human savagery and wanton greed.

The only reason for the existence of SHEN is to eliminate cruel exploitation by humans of other humans and of nature.

Identity savagery and brutality of humans against humans, and mindless exploitation of the natural environment must become a thing of our shameful past.

The pictures shown here are just a few examples of wanton human cruelty and greed.

Krishna Mani P…

I am very impressed by the above words which the guide lines of my life.

Sun, 06/24/2012 - 11:24 Permalink