Spiritual education is related with the unseen spiritual reality that underlies all that exists in the universe. It is therefore inclusive, integrative and unitive of all that exists.

Spiritual knowledge lies at the core of all religions. Spiritual education is therefore multi-religious. Its foundational nature must be related to all religions of the world.

Spiritual understanding proclaims our underlying oneness, unity in diversity. Our underlying oneness is also affirmed by secular disciplines such as natural science, life science, social sciences, and humanities. Spiritual education must therefore include such affirmations and therefore be multi-disciplinary.

Like all education, spiritual education must include cognitive components comprising of frameworks of understanding and concepts.

Spiritual education must also be meaningfulness and appeal to the human heart for it to be useful in life in strengthening one's relationship with the 'others'.

Spiritual education must include contempative and meditative components so very necessary to impart to the conceptual understandning the force of conviction of personal insights lacking which the practice of love and compassion transcending narrow selfish behavior will be impossible. Humanity needs the force of conviction of personal insights to overcome the conflict of personal interest in behaving spiritually.