Panel Discussion
Feb 18, 2009
held at
University of Waterloo

Lois Zachariah, Kuruvila Zachariah, Peter Morris , Swarn Talwar and Shiv Talwar of Spiritual Heritage Education Network recently took a 10 day intensive course in Vipassana Meditation. Peter, Lois and Kuruvila took the course in Ontario while Swarn and Shiv took it India . The teacher for both the locations was S.N. Goenka. In fact, he teaches at numerous Vipassana Centres around the world with the help of some local volunteers and an effective use of audio-visual aids.

It seems that course details such as the schedule, food, code of conduct, living arrangements, volunteer assistance, audio visual resources and even the physical environment are all fine tuned to optimize the learning and transformation.

"We would like to share our feelings and experiences as they are now fresh in our minds so that others can also benefit."

An audience of 18 attended this panel discussion at the University of Waterloo.