Professor Hendrik Hart
Mar. 27, 2002 and Mar. 28, 2002
held at
Kitchener Public Library and University of Waterloo

Professor Hendrik Hart offered this seminar at two venues – the University of Watyerloo and the Kitchener Public Library. Attendance at the University of Waterloo was about 25 and at the library only 5. Hendrik recently retired as professor of philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. One of the areas he worked on was the spirituality of all human endeavors, not just the work of religious people. He tried in this way to gain acceptance for religious people who wanted to make open connections between their spirituality and their scholarly work. In this context he spent much times assessing the spirit of Reason of the West, both as it influenced secular academics and as it influenced religious life. In his seminar, Hendrik shared with us some results of these studies as they impact on understanding the world in which we live…

New Cohort and Coursework Scheduling


Ubiquity University requires a SHEN coursework certificate worth 16 credits for their MASc degree, 24 credits for a combined MASc/PhD, and 13 credits beyond MASc for a PhD degree, a credit being one hour of engagement for a 15-week semester. 

To understand how SHEN plans for you to qualify for various SHEN Coursework certificates, you need to understand the following:

  1. SHEN divides a calendar year into three 10-week academic terms, 
  2. The academic terms begin on the third Monday of January, April, and September, 
  3. An academic term is followed by a free period,
  4. New students are admitted three times a year in the three academic terms, 
  5. Participating students take a minimum of one 3-hour/week course in each term (2 credits), 
  6. A course is scheduled for three hours per week, usually in one continuous session,
  7. MASc level certificate requires 8 30-hour  courses,
  8. Combined MASc/PhD level certificate requires 12 30-hour  courses,
  9. PhD level certificate requires 5 30-hour courses and 1 45-hour course after their MASc.
  10. The maximum number of participating terms required to qualify for a MASc level certificate is 8, for a combined MASc/PhD level certificate is 12, and for a PhD level certificate is six after obtaining a MASc level certificate. 

Here is a pictorial view of the above coursework scheduling description.


New Cohort and Course Scheduling