Documentary and Discussion, Leader: Dr. Shiv Talwar
Jun 18, 2008
held at
University of Waterloo

This documentary video is a compelling account of an intense pilot meditation program for inmates at a minimum security jail near Seattle , Washington , USA . Under the guidance of both the community volunteers and the facility staff, women and men undertake 10 days of complete silence. They do this as a part of the practice of an ancient meditation technique called Vipassana for 10 hours each day, delving deep into their own selves to understand the nature of their own minds - its motivations, habits, addictions, fears, cravings, aversions and compulsions. This inner journey and the resulting insights transform them. There is a noticeable change in their behavior with more calm, peace, equanimity, and understanding with reduced feelings of anger and revenge.

Changing From Inside chronicles the personal and professional journey of the articulate and determined facility director, Lucia Meijer, as she rallies her staff to this new unconventional program.

Candid interviews among prison staff reveal a range of reactions, from interest to skepticism. However, the results prove an inspiration, leaving the facility and all those involved transformed.

Q & A followed the video presentation. An audience of 28 attended this documentary and discussion at the University of Waterloo.