Agni and Narada Ishaya
Aug 16, 2006
held at
University of Waterloo

The natural state of being is enlightenment. Therefore, the growth of human consciousness to enlightenment does not need to entail a long and arduous journey. The addictions of the mind have moved our focus outward. We only need a reliable vehicle that takes the mind back inward. By simply moving the mind inward using a reliable technique all of life begins to change.

First, the body settles down to a state of very deep rest, deeper than that of the deepest sleep allowing the release of physiological stresses and strains. Second, the mind starts erasing the old grooves of doubt, limitation, fear, and self-destructive behaviour patterns. Third, joy and peace start spontaneously developing, freeing the mind of prior addictions.

The mind controls every facet of life. Free of the bondage of its addictions, it permits life to be lived fully, in innocence, in the present moment and with unconditional love. The constant chatter of the internal dialogue gradually stills, freeing one to experience pure creativity and joy in every moment.

Agni Ishaya is a monk at the Ishayas' Ascension Center in London , Ontario . He discussed how the growth of consciousness can be very simple and teach the “Watching the Mind” technique. Agni presented this seminar at the University of Waterloo to an audience of 20.