Rodger R. Ricketts, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist and mindfulness meditation teacher. He has been studying Buddhism for over thirty years, both in his own transformative quest and in the application of meditation as a therapeutic tool in psychotherapy. Rodger has given numerous presentations at wellness and professional psychological conferences on the topic of mindfulness and wellbeing. Rodger continues to study both science and Buddhism, meditate, and teach mindfulness.

The Conference theme of Lived Feelings of Unity in Diversity is of vital importance for the Wellbeing and Actualzed living of all sentient Beings on this Earth. The alternative is Seperation, Alienation, Discord and Suffering and this ignorant human orientation can and needs to change This conference will be to educate and advocate for practical measures to change from the ignorance of Seperation to the Enlightenment of Onenesss in All. The principles underlying that change have been very much a focus of Rodger’s thought and research for years.

Author- Buddhist inspired psychology- books/ blogs, 2010-present
Psy.D. Clinical Psychology,
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Graduated 1988