Dr. Orest Bedrij

Orest Bedrij is a researcher into the nature of God, how does the manifestation come into being, and what is the most advanced means to evolve.

He will be speaking on "Your Miracles after Miracles: The Easy Way" (40 minutes + 20 minutes of questions). Orest will discuss 1. The most important evidence in the world and the greatest achievement of all time; 2. Your personal Multiverse: You illuminate all phenomena; and 3. Your miracles after miracles: The easy way.

Note, you will greatly advance your life experiences by reading one of his books: Celebrate Your Divinity or Exodus III prior to the presentation.

At the age of twenty-nine, Orest was IBM's technical director at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology responsible for the development of the Space Flight Operations Facility computer complex and programming that controlled the first soft landing on the moon.

Orest is the author of books, including: Yes It's Love: Your Life Can Be A Miracle (1974/2009), One (1977/1978), You (1988/2001), Celebrate Your Divinity: The Nature of God and the Theory of Everything (2005/2007), '1': The Foundation and Mathematization of Physics (2008/2013), and Exodus III (2011/2013).