Ramesh S. Chahauver, after completing his B.A.(HONS), B.Ed. & M.A. (Math) Degrees from India went on to Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K. to finish his M.Sc. in Pure Math. Coming to Canada, he completed Specialist in Math from the University of Toronto. He then, went into Secondary School Teaching and acted as Head of the Mathematics Department for the last 28 years. During his career, he has also taught in colleges & universities in India, England & Canada.

In the early eighties, the problems in Panjab, India prompted Ramesh to find the truth about religious conflict. About the same time, Ramesh was lucky to come in contact with Brahmarishi Vishwatma Bawra and started the study of ABSOLUTE TRUTH under his discipleship. At this time, Ramesh is very much interested in spiritualism and serving the people of all faiths in every possible way.