Born in Nov. 1949, he studied in various parts of north India, concluding his education with a Masters in Political Science from University of Allahbad. He taught at a university college for three years before joining the Indian Foreign Service in 1972. He represented India in its various missions in Paris, Beirut, Brussels, Jakarta and Toronto. He has held important positions in the Government of India in Delhi. He is presently serving as India's High Commissioner to the Republic of Kenya. General interests are: reading on eclectic subjects; writing on non-political issues; public speaking; and lately, golf.

He comes from an extremely religious family, with his late father famous as a civil servant having reputation for probity in public service, and his mother with strong religious and spiritual interests. Since childhood, he has had much exposure to travelling saints, lectures on the Ramayana and Geeta at holy places such as Hardawar, and the opportunity to visit famous pilgrimage centres in India such as Varanasi, Prayag, Sarnath and Somnath. Has supported activities of many cultural, religious and spiritual institutions that specialize in projecting Indian culture and religions. Despite a strong spiritual orientation, he maintains a pristine secular outlook on Life.