Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

“Self-Leadership for Peace & Harmony for Creating a Better World”
Asto ma sad gamaya, Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityor ma amritam gamaya
Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti!
Lead me from the Unreal to the Real!
Lead me from Darkness to Light!
Lead me from Death to Immortality!
Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti

At present we are living in age of fear, confusion, conflicts, violence & terrorism, which is known as ‘Kali Yuga’- Age of darkness, corruption, unethical governance & mismanagement due to erosion of human values.
The 19th century was marked as Industrial revolution; 20th century was known as ‘Information Technology revolution’ which had seen the growth of the information technology globally; and 21st century is termed as the spiritual century with rapid increase in ethical & spiritual values to develop the global sustainable society.
Present time is the ‘Sangam Yuga i.e. Age of confluence & Sansakar’s parivartan i.e. time of transformation for creating a peaceful & harmonious society through spiritual awakening & self-transformation.
As human values are eroding at very fast rate resulting in declining the quality of life of the people. At the dawn of the new millennium, what is required most is ‘Self- leadership and self-transformation to achieve personal & professional excellence.
What is Self-leadership?
The main objective of the life is to discover the real purpose of Life & to achieve inner peace and to become a better leader for creating a peaceful better society.
Everything starts with the state of the self and then radiates to the body, relationships, society, environment & the World. "Self- Leadership” is based on a spiritual qualities of the soul - Purity, love, truth, peace, right conduct and non-violence & the power to inspire i.e. to inspire others to follow."
• Self-leadership = Leading with Purity i.e. Purity in Thoughts, Words & Actions for achieving personal & professional excellence.
“Self-leadership” is a ' process of ‘self-transformation’ from impure consciousness to pure consciousness to achieve Peace, Success & happiness.”
The main aims of Self- Leadership are…
• To learn how to have more control of your own thoughts, feeling and behaviour.
• Clarifying your focus in life - Your Life's Purpose, Values & Vision, Life's Goals & directions.
Principles of Self leadership:
"Self-leadership” is a 'journey of achieving personal & professional excellence through values & transformation & inspiration. “Self-leadership model” is based on three Principles of Spirituality:
1. Principle of Truth i.e. Knowledge ( Spiritual Wisdom);
2. Principle of Purity and
3. Principle of Peace (Shanti);
Self-leadership shows the leadership excellence to be built on a triple foundation of best business practices -Science and technology (Head), Heart (Emotional management) & Soul (Inner guidance).
What are the main Steps of “Self-leadership”?
• 7-Steps of “Self-leadership”: “Self-leadership” is a ' process of ‘self-transformation’ from impure consciousness to pure consciousness to achieve Peace, Success & happiness. ”Know the change you want to make or habit you want to change (ask yourself what behavior, emotions and feelings I want to change or what I wish to do differently-Make a list). Make the commitment to change.
1st step is Pure Consciousness - Developing positive state of Mind by developing Sattavik pure consciousness i.e. purity in thoughts & purity in actions.
Think positive & act positive: Our physical reality is shaped by our thoughts & our karmas (actions).Positivity and states of being positive are direct effects of raising & transforming your consciousness.
2nd step is Understanding self – who am I? And understanding Creator (God) & understanding Nature.
3rd step is connecting yourself with Universal Energy (Supreme Soul) for receiving inner guidance & inspiration.
4th step is the Respect of Holistic Mind Management for building Harmonious society. Respect means – Giving Respect to self , Creator & Mother Earth for building Harmonious society.
5th step is Recharging the Mind i.e. renewing the Spirit through Raja Yoga Meditation to achieve Inner Peace & harmony.
6th step is the Transformation of Consciousness i.e. From impure Consciousness (Body consciousness) to Pure Consciousness (Soul Consciousness).
Finally 7th step of Yoga – Connecting the mind with the Source or Creator through the meditation for Enlightenment (Self –realization).

"Self-leadership” is a 'journey of achieving personal & professional excellence through self- transformation & inspiration for others to create a better world.
Self-Transformation leads to World Transformation