I searched for God in the caves of the Himalayas, In the pilgrim

centres, in river banks; But I myself am Brahman[i], God of gods now!

I had once intense love for my sweet home, Native village, district

and province; But I am now the home of all worlds - East and Wet,

North and South, Greece and India, Australia and France, China and

Russia have become one.

I loved Tamil once;

But I am 'Om' now,

The source of all languages.

I had once great love for my body;

But now I have realised, "All bodies are mine".

Once one hundred years was too big for me; But I now abide in Eternity

- No time-piece, no calendar is necessary now.

Once five thousand miles was a great distance for me; But now I feel,

"I am Infinity".

Time, space have vanished.

I have neither home nor house address nor name!

~~ Swami Sivananda



[i] Brahman - Absolute Infinity, God.

Swami Sivananda