Click here for a pdf of the book: Finding the Common Ground Between Science and Spirituality


Science and Spirituality collide to explode into a new and unexpected unity of all that is. Just like two atoms colliding, the result is expansive and irreversible! Through exhausting research and spiritual science practices, The Common Ground was born. The information is intensely detailed and covers mathematics, biology, physics, and metaphysics. In an effort to make this information available to everyone, Robyn Lebron, the author of Searching for Spiritual Unity…Can There be Common Ground?, was commissioned by Dr. Shiv Talwar to edit and abridge his book into the book you now hold in your hand. The diagrams in this abridged version are not in numerical order. To view all the diagrams, see the original book. This work is an abridgment by Robyn Lebron of Shiv Talwar’s book, titled The Common Ground Volume 1: A Unified Basis of Existence. Robyn Lebron has Shiv Talwar’s approval and blessings for undertaking this work. May her labor of love in the creation of this work achieve all her aims and objectives of bridging interfaith differences and caring for the planet!

Robyn Lebron-Anders and Shiv Talwar