Graduate School

Neurobiology of Transformation

Discovering Purpose, Health, Happiness, and Global Peace

Ubiquity Flyer

SHEN's Inclusivity Policy

Please note that SHEN offers a sliding scale of discounts for its coursework fees. As a result, students from developing countries can get as much as a 90% discount on their coursework fees.

We are enrolling now for April 2025!

Introductory Offer

All students enrolling in 2025 will receive a 50% discount on their fee payable to SHEN for its coursework certificate.

SHEN also offers scholarships to deserving students on an online meeting with the applicant.

Want further information? Visit Here

Interested? Please give us your contact information by clicking this button:

Happiness Academy


Inspiring kindness, well-being, and harmony, scientifically!

Happiness is not only a pleasant sensation and the absence of life stresses, problems and pain; it is a complex state of mind whose essence is captured with many words such as joy, bliss, contentment, satisfaction, mental peace, physical health, fulfilment, friendliness, elation, cheerfulness, well-being, inclusivity, harmony, serenity, thriving, exhilaration, and exuberance. It is a gentle, soothing presence that brings comfort, joy and clarity. It encompasses positive emotions, gratitude, kindness, compassion and a sense of belonging.

The cultivation of happiness involves intentional practices that promote inner peace and well-being, such as meditation, nature connection, deep breathing, Yoga, Tai Chi, unplugging from modern technology, and self-compassion.

Your free-will donations help us continue offering such learning opportunities, to which all are welcome. 

Happiness doesn't just happen. It needs to be cultivated. We will show you how. Do you want to learn? Click on this button below to tell us that you do:

Take Life Off Autopilot

A Digital Breath Training Assistant to Take Life Off Autopilot

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.
— Carl G. Jung

Free Online App

Teach your children and grandchildren the practice of making their unconscious breathing conscious. It can lead them to lives of health, happiness, and harmonious relations.

The Body is Humanity’s Common Ground

The human form is more than flesh and bone; it's the nexus where healing meets the fullness of our boundless potential, offering a gateway to collective fulfillment.