Listing of Events
Here is an alphabetical listing of events in the One Academy room of the World Unity Week 2021:

  1. This was a recurring event presented by Upinder Bhatia on each of the four days from June 22-25 in morning from 8-9am EDT and by Raj Patara on each evening from 8-9pm EDT. Both Upinder and Raj are parts of the University of Guelph Yoga and Meditation Collective.

  2. This was a recurring event presented twice by Lalit Jairath and Monique of the University of Guelph Yoga and Meditation Collective presented between 12noon and 1 pm EDT on June 22 and June 24.

  3. Please click HERE for downloading proposal that we intend to publish for the attention of stakeholders in local, regional, national and international education and governance to envision the future of education to judiciously blend unifying contemplative learning with the prevailing education at all levels from primary to university. We request a read and your ideas.

  4. This was a recurring event presented twice by Prabha Makayee of the University of Guelph Yoga and Meditation Collective.

  5. Please watch another video of Dr George Wolfe’s presentation on the same topic at The Interfaith Centre at Miami State University posted HERE.