Dr. Bhuvan Awasthi
What a wonderful talk by Dr Bhuvan, such simplicity and ease
S, Europe
Dr Bhuvan, you explained the neuroscience of consciousness and spirituality in such simple terms. So grateful for your time. I learnt so much from you.
W, North America
Dr. Pradeep Kumar (Jivasu), MD
Jivasu combines science and wisdom, leading to self-knowledge and acceptance of who we are.
Liz Tudoreanu
Jivasu’s gentle and wise teachings explore life from Relationships to Self-Knowledge to End of Life.
Janet Glancy
Jivasu is a born teacher. He combines spirituality and neuroscience with passion, clarity, and humility.
Sheila Cress
Dr. Shiv Talwar
On Dr Talwar’s book entitled Global Action in Education: Contemplative Learning of Unity in Diversity

In his remarkable and comprehensive book envisioning the future of education, Dr. Shiv Talwar analyses contemporary education systems, showing how they lead to dissatisfaction within, strife in the world, and destruction of nature. Like an expert doctor of the human condition, he points out clearly how to cure the illness.
The cure from him is not a theoretical construct but a potent mixture of practice, philosophy, and science. Instead of following a reductionist model, he suggests seamlessly combining the domains of natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, holistic sciences, and ancient contemplative wisdom. Such a union will initiate unity in diversity, wholesome growth in a person, and harmony among people and all living beings.
Jivasu MD, founder of Somatofulness Teachings
Thank you, Dr. Talwar, you have taught us “well.” You have given us a road-map and an action plan. Now it’s up to us to apply it and follow it. This “Good News” needs to be spread and practiced far and wide.
Yanni Maniates, MS, author, mentor, and Board chair of UNITY EARTH
This book captures the dynamic nature of evolution and transformation happening in the universe as well in our physical existence. This inspirational knowledge is very valuable for all educators participating in the movement of transforming global education.
Jagdish Kohli, PhD, author of Leaders Transform Education by Reflective Learning
Dr. Talwar brings extraordinary — if not unique — strengths to the development of this proposal. His thought is solidly grounded in the ancient Vedic wisdom of his native India. His keen sense of the need to overcome the “us versus them” thinking that pervades our world comes from having been a witness to the terrible communal violence that accompanied the partition of India in 1947. Trained as an engineer, he also brings to his work a scientific cast of mind and a profound curiosity about the relationship between science and spirituality. Years of study of religious and spiritual traditions outside the one he grew up with have broadened his perspective and deepened his conviction that all of these traditions share a common core truth.
Bob Chodos, Temple Shalom, Waterloo, ON
On Dr Talwar’s book entitled The Common Ground: A Unified Basis of Existence

Shiv Talwar has written a remarkable book. It is entitled The Common Ground and “it envisions integrating humanity into a planetary family through meaningful education on the common ground of existence.” No small task. Talwar cites the UN Declaration on Human Rights that affirms that everyone has a right to education and that education should be free. But the education that Talwar envisions is rooted in the great wisdom traditions of humankind. So, you are in for an education that “expands consciousness … beyond the traditions we are born into.” It is about that “infinite and infinitesimal … spirit/energy … underlying existence”; it is a metaphysical journey.
Dr. M. Darrol Bryant, Centre for Dialogue and Spirituality in the World Religions, Renison University College, University of Waterloo
Dr. Shiv D. Talwar has gifted us with a lucid, brilliant, most profound book. The work is majestic, startling and literally revolutionary, opening the possibility of the next stages of an expansion of human consciousness through education.
The Absolute Splendour, the Common Ground, has been incarnated in human form, without our realizing who one is. ”The kingdom of God is within you,” said Jesus — Vedic tat tvan asi or That you are, or You’re it. This message, this education, will change the direction of planetary freedom, peace, prosperity and happiness.
Dr. Orest Bedrij, author of The Greatest Achievement: Miracle after Miracle the Easy Way
This book offers an education in and of itself - a deep read with wonderful explanations of our unified existence and the need to educate for "total fulfillment of the student". Dr. Shiv Talwar shares his vast knowledge and passion to teach and helps shine the light outside the walls of our conditioned boxes - helps break down those walls by pointing out how we are all connected and how, through education, we move toward harmonious living on this planet. Excellent!
John West, Lake Havasu Citym AZ
It is a gem of a book and one which brings people of different faiths together in the cause of a peaceful and harmonious world. This book has very powerfully brought out Dr Shiv Talwar's energy, commitment and enthusiasm towards spiritual education which have been addressed in his conferences in Kitchener in Canada in the last decade. It is books like these that can draw one out of the existentialist despair of our troubled times.
Dr Sami Rafiq, Professor of English, Ali Garh Muslim University, India
Shiv Talwarhas written a masterpiece on the unity of science & spirituality.
Books For Peace – International Awards 2020