World Unity Week 2021

Our Common Ground

The Common Ground of All (Room: The One Academy, Spiritual Heritage Education Network)
This presentation will take you on a journey of spiritual discovery. In this presentation, Dr. Shiv Talwar shares his journey from early life in India 1947 that led him on a search of paths possibly leading to world unity. In 1978, he met his mentor, Swami Vishwatma Bawra, who convinced him of a direction leading to the development of the Spiritual Heritage Education Network (established in 2000).

One World Town Hall People’s Council for Re-purposing the Economy

This two hour offering will:
1. present the function of a People’s Council
            - through observing the existing economy and the current needs in terms of causes and effects
            - acceptance of responsibility and conditions we create to change it
            - re-invisioning a new economy 
            - dissection of resistance to change

Regulating Our Behaviour Through Our Physiology

This presentation will look at how our body functions and how our pre-existing responses to different environmental influences are keeping us sick and stressed, and causing problems with our health. In addition, this presentation will look at brain plasticity and how each little thing that happens in our body has a cascading response that will impact us in many different ways. On a positive note, we have it within our physiology to tame all these responses and change our body's automatic responses. 

Classical Yoga and Meditation with Lalit and Monique

Classical Yoga sets itself apart from other styles of yoga as it is not only about practicing asanas (physical postures), it is also about deeply exploring the Breathing, Meditative, and Relaxation dimensions of this practice. This integrated approach moves the practitioner toward balance in all aspects - including mental, physical, emotional, social, environmental, spiritual - of his or her being and leads to the development of the Self.