World Unity Week 2021

Interfaith Temple Worship Service

What is Interfaith? The world has so many beautiful religions, what if we could all come together and worship together? What if we could build bridges instead of walls? Is it possible to find unity? The Interfaith Temple is a 501c-3 religious organization, providing weekly online worship/puja/services focused on the commonalities of the world's religions. We incorporate the upcoming holy days, scriptures, music, readings, meditations and beautiful, deeply spiritual messages to help us all understand each other a little better. We invite all to "come as you are, and as you believe".

Raising Human Consciousness

Our natural instincts keep our consciousness so enslaved in doing their bidding that we fail to seek its release from them.
The purpose of this event is to experience a practical, systematic and never failing strategy of raising human consciousness above our survival instincts which are all consuming. Humans are the only species with an inbuilt ability of doing so but we are largely unaware of it.

Superconscious Yogic Contemplation and Executive Function

Yogic contemplation of antiquity is a superconscious, comprehensive, multifaceted, far reaching and transformative technology which can be used for various ends. If the purpose is to know physics like Einstein did, it can lead to it; if the purpose is to love the One God and love the neighbour, it can lead to it; and if the purpose is to usher in an era of world unity, it can lead to it also.

Global Soft Skills Education Revolution

Soft Skills are emerging as the single most critical need in education and for workers and corporations. This is true no matter where a person is or what a person does. Soft Skills are critical skills. These soft skills include creativity, collaboration, leadership, emotional intelligence, global thinking, cross boundary team building, critical thinking, and whole system design. Learning these makes the critical difference is the competition for existing jobs, which is getting more and more severe. Increasingly, companies choose employees on the basis of Soft Skills.

Regenerative Education

The denigration of our planetary environment has reached a critical point — in the last 50 years there has been a 69% loss of biodiversity of animals, plants, birds, fish, insects, and forests, according to the World Wildlife Fund. This means that sustainability is no longer an option for humanity. One cannot be sustainable with a destroyed habitat. The only option left for us is regeneration. Regenerative Development is a holistic approach to development where the conditions for life are enhanced.

The Power of Consciously Breathing Together to Create Peace on Earth

Humans that came before us utilized breathing together to unite their life force to cultivate peace. 
In October 2006, Rabie Hayek had a vision to unite 1 Billion people to consciously breathe together synchronously. The World Breathing Room on was created to unite the great life force of humanity and to return the power of breathing together back into our daily lives.


Three mental faculties are associated with different stimuli. Immediate stimuli demand instantaneous reflex responses by the unconscious mind that limits creaturely life. 
Stimuli deemed urgent elicit immediate reactive responses by the subconscious mind. Minds of animals, except mammals, are limited to two capabilities: unconscious and the subconscious. Subconscious responses leave experiential memories called emotions classified as fear, pleasant, unpleasant, and helplessness. 

Holistic Science

The wisdom of various scriptures and indigenous cultures are in agreement on the origin and nature of the planet we inhabit. The unity of the scriptural wisdom converges with the findings of various disciplines of natural, life, social and evolutionary sciences. We term this convergence of the spiritual and the secular as holistic science. 

Pathways from Relative to the Absolute: Love and Doubt - Who are we?

This presentation will discuss the Common Goal of all Faiths. How comfort with Doubt and the Unknown are a key part of Spiritual Growth. 
The speaker pulls from insights by Richard Rohr and the Center for Meditation and Contemplation
Love of the One Absolute God relates us with creation while that of the relative God of our community relates us only with our community. 
Love is the acceptance of the “other” and yourself. You are supposed to have doubts.
There will be an opportunity for discussion for all who attend.