We need help promote the SHEN Cause. Please help us in spreading the word.

Our work is of interest to those concerned with creating personal, local and global change through exploring the common spiritual heritage and values of the world’s religions. Our work is dedicated to integration of diversity for peace and harmony at the local scene as it contribute to global change towards a peaceful and sustainable. We are seeking educational tools for global change.

SHEN is a Waterloo based not for profit organization dedicated to the promotion, development and delivery of education in the spiritual heritage of humanity with a view to engendering local and global unity. We develop an inclusive and universal curricula in spiritual education that can be adopted in the world’s educational systems.

Revelation of …

I have been very excited to find your organisation, as it is unique and most certainly needed right now. I am interested in learning more about your organisation and how I may be able to support you. Is it possible to arrange a meeting?
I am starting a new organisation for spiritual education in Waterloo Region. Revelation of the Spirit is working to uncover the deep spiritual and universal truths found in the Christian scriptures to help show people that the message from God is a universal one, found in all of the worlds traditions, and is a message of love and of connectedness. We plan on offering workshops throughout the region starting in June.
My name is Catherine Lauber, and my email is catherine@lauberonline.com or catherine@revelationofthespirit.org. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 22:24 Permalink

In reply to by Revelation of …

Catherine, your post made my day. We have been looking for you. Let us arrange to meet asap. Please respond to the e-mail I just sent you.
Warm regards.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 05:31 Permalink

Dear Dr. Shiv Talwar. I'm looking forward to exchanging with you to explore a partnership between the professional partner network, Applied Consciousness Sciences Network, and the Spiritual Heritage Education Network.
We have fundamentally chosen to bring spiritual heritage in a systematic way called 'applied consciousness sciences' that doesn't refer to specific spiritual traditions and which appeals to a large number of people within many different environments, among which educational.

Sun, 09/09/2012 - 15:43 Permalink

In reply to by carlomonsanto

Dear Carlo Monsanto,

I am pleased to connect with you and welcome your call for a partnership between Applied Consciousness Sciences Network and Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc.

We regard Spiritual heritage of humanity as a science, completely didactic in nature as a knowledge discipline. We are committed to its research for the purpose of education and we welcome your call for a partnership in pushing our common goals with academic integrity.

Let us go to the next step of establishing personal contacts.

Warm regards.

Tue, 09/11/2012 - 06:22 Permalink