You are reading this post because of your interest in building bridges. There are all kinds of divides to be bridged. Humanity is divided by religion, community, culture, race, color, gender, and you name it. Please join the SHEN network to help building bridges.

In the opinion of the Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc. (SHEN), the main reason of the current divisiveness is the lack of education in our schools, colleges, and universities in matters dealing with our underlying oneness, unity, interconnectedness, shared values and common roots. Our goal is to help close this gap. SHEN plans to reach its goal by promoting, developing and undertaking research and education in the spiritual heritage of humanity with the purpose of helping to see the non-duality of all that exists.

The task is huge. We need to work together to accomplish it. We need to pool our ideas. We need to pool our talents in many fields. We need to pool a variety of resources to propel this important goal.

SHEN is a volunteer run organization. We are always in search of volunteers with a passion to integrate and harmonize our increasingly diverse society into a well knit, cohesive and cooperating community.