Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

Invitation: International Conference on Heritage and Culture-28th & 29th November 2018 @
Jagadguru Kripaluji University , Bhubaneswar , India

Global Academic Research Institute (GARI) & JAGADGURU KRIPALU UNIVERSITY, jointly organizing the International Conference on Heritage and Culture 2018.The theme of "Heritage and Culture as the basis of Human Development".
Call for Papers:
Heritage and Culture are the two pillars of human development. The two terms can be combined to mean both effectively and also assess the development of human mind across the ages. Thus cultural heritage can be called as the legacy of human development. As a Scientific Research Conference Organizers, the Global Academic Research Institute (GARI) & JAGADGURU KRIPALU UNIVERSITY, proudly present International Conference on Heritage and Culture 2018 under the theme of "Heritage and Culture as the basis of Human Development".
We welcome proposals for papers and invitations for abstract submissions are now open for both Oral and Poster presentations covering current research and new processes. Two types of submissions are invited:
o 1. Full papers reporting on original and unpublished research.
o 2. Work-in-progress papers or Abstract.
The scholars participating conference will highlight several such issues concerning heritage, culture and human development. We expect as participants academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and anyone in the domain of interest from around the world to discuss in the conference.
Please note that though you need send a proposed title and abstract at this stage, speakers are encouraged to submit a full paper before the conference. In addition, all the submitted full papers will be review by journal editorial board & publish on “GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research” All abstracts included in the conference proceedings (DVD and proceeding book) as well as conference library page.For abstract submission fill in the online submission form or contact Presentation time allocated 20 mins (15 min presentation 05 min questions)
Conference Scope
1) Environment ; & Intangible cultural heritage
2) Socio-economic & Political
3) Ethnic Studies & Education
4) Leadership & Sustainable Development
5) Heritage and Culture & Social Science
6) Religious and philosophical values
7) Law & Tourism
8) Virtual heritage, & Language & Literature
9) Human rights & Indigenous knowledge
10) Humanities Economic & Technology
Abstract or Paper Submission
Abstract submission deadline: August 31th 2018
Full paper submission dead line: November 15th 2018
Please send your proposal to:
Mr. Sampath Abeywickarama
Secretary, International Conference on Heritage and Culture 2018
Bhubaneshwar , India
Dr. Subhash Chandra,
GHA President and Board Chairman,
Global Harmony Association, India
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony,
M-+91 9910241586 ;

Dr.Subhash Chandra

International Conference on Heritage and Culture-2018
28th & 29th November 2018 @ Jagadguru Kripaluji University , Bhubaneswar , India

At present we are living in age of fear, conflicts & terrorism, which is known as ‘Kali Yuga’- age of darkness & age of conflicts, violence & wars, an extremely explosive time where the context of human life is changing every moment.
Heritage and Culture are the two pillars of human development. The two terms can be combined to mean both effectively and also assess the development of human mind across the ages.
At the dawn of the new millennium, what is required most is ‘Religious and philosophical values for creating social harmony & oneness of humanity in 21st century.
In view of above ,Global Academic Research Institute (GARI) & JAGADGURU KRIPALU UNIVERSITY, jointly organizing the International Conference on Heritage and Culture 2018 under the theme of "Heritage and Culture as the basis of Human Development" to promote the culture of peace & harmony for the welfare of humankind.

Dr. Subhash Chandra,
GHA President and Board Chairman,
Global Harmony Association, India
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony,
M-+91 9910241586 ;

Fri, 04/20/2018 - 07:16 Permalink