Invitation International Peace Youth Summit (IPYS) -2019
Theme: Youth Empowerment for Peace & Sustainable Development of Society
To celebrate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
Jointly Organized by
INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FOR MASS AWARENESS) ISMA-TIMES & Global Harmony Association (GHA), India and in association with World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), New Delhi.
Venue: Speaker Hall, Constitution Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110 001, India
: Date: Tuesday 26th Feb.2019
We feel immense pleasure in inviting you to the International Youth Summit -2019, jointly organized by INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FOR MASS AWARENESS) ISMA-TIMES & Global Harmony Association (GHA), India and in association with World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), New Delhi..
Theme of the Conference: “Youth Empowerment for Peace and Sustainable Development of Society”.
The main objectives of the Youth summit are twofold: 1) to promote Youth Empowerment for peace and social harmony.
Call for Papers:
Scholars, faculty & organizational professionals intending to present papers at the Conference are requested to submit a soft copy of the Abstract (300 Words) to the Conference Secretariat.
Sub themes:
1. Youth for Peace & Peace building in 21st century
2. Youth for Democracy: Learning from Nonviolent Struggle across the World
3. Youth Peace Education for Global Citizenship
4. Youth for Peace & Humanity in Action
5. Youth and Peace Education for Youth Leadership
6. Youth Environmental Education for Sustainable Development,
7. Youth & Values Education for Leadership
8. Youth Empowerment for Peace and Sustainable Development
9. Yoga & Meditation for Sustainable peace Social Harmony
• Last date for abstract Submission: 15th Jan..2019
• Last date for submission of Full Paper: 15t Feb..2019
• One soft copy of the research paper in Microsoft Word will have to be submitted to the seminar Organizing Secretary by 15th Jan..2019 The electronic version of the paper should be e-mailed to:
1) Mr. Mohammad Ismail , Convener; Email: M:98189 69055
2) Dr. Subhash Chandra, Conference Director; Email: M -09910241586
Proposal Submission Guideline:
The authors must strictly follow the model instructions given below: All submissions should be in Microsoft Word document format as an attachment. Paper size: A4, Page borders: 1.5 cm all sides, Font: Times New Roman throughout. Justify all text by using (Ctrl+J) Title: Font size 14 Bold First Author1, second author2 Name, Designation, organization with full address including State, Email, Mobile No. (Font size 10 Title case) Keywords: 4-6, all separated by coma (in italics, in Alphabetical order
About Global Harmony Association (GHA) Trust, India
GHA Trust is an association for creating global impact on society & the world for creating global peace & harmonious society through global peace science research and innovation. Vision: Advancement of global peace science knowledge for creating global sustainable world.
• The Mission of the GHA Trust is to bring global peace by implementing Peace & harmony Projects.
• To create a global community of global peace leaders & peace scholars.
• Promotion of innovative harmonious thinking and peace leadership innovation on a global platform.
1. Dr. Markandey Rai (UN-HABITAT). Conference Chair
Vice President, Global Harmony Association (GHA), India &
Senior Advisor of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme;
E-mail:; Mobile: 919899479265/7042553666
2. Dr. Bipin Kumar, Conference Co-Chair, Director Vishwa Hindi Parishad
Mob: 8010038946 :
3. Dr. Subhash Chandra, Conference Director, President & Chairman Board
GHA – Global Harmony Association, India M -09910241586; Email:
4. Mr. Santosh Gaur, Conference Secretary, Managing Editor. ISMATIMES Cell : 9650528209 Email:
5. Mr. Mohammad Ismail , Convener, ISMA Times , Publisher & Chief Editor M.: 9818969055; Email:
6. Prof. Surendra Pathak – Advisor, Vice president, GHA Email:
7. Dr. S.K. Jha, Advisor, Director, Institute of Management Development & Research (IMDR), New Delhi Ph.: 9312402389 Email:
8. Dr.Sanjay Tewari, Advisor, Secretary General, Global Harmony Association (GHA)
M 9415078389
9. Mr. Amit Paul, WCPA Vice-President, in New Delhi M: 9999251257
10. Mr. Ramesh Kumar, Advisor ,President , NGO , COSRO, India Email:
Secretariat, IPYS 2019; Mr. Mohammad Ismail,
Convener, ISMA Times
ISMA Times Email:,
G-77, Top Floor, Shaheen Bagh, Kalindi Kunj, New Delhi-110025
Phones: 9773642232, 9773642236,
International Peace Youth Summit (IPYS) -2019
International Peace Youth Summit (IPYS) -2019
Theme: Youth Empowerment for Peace & Sustainable Development of Society
To celebrate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
The main objectives of the Youth summit are twofold:
1) to promote Youth Empowerment for peace and social harmony.
2) To prepare youth for Peace building through peace values and global peace education to develop a global Sustainable Society in 21st century
Dr. Subhash Chandra , Conference Director IPYS 2019
GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony,
M +91 9910241586 ,E-mail::