Submitted by Dr.Subhash Chandra on

Conference: Building The World Parliament (BWP) 2017

The International Conference “Building the World Parliament” was organized on 10-11 December 2017 By the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) at O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India. I had presented a paper on “Global Education for Building a World Parliament in the age of Globalization” as a invited speaker.
The world has witnessed dramatic changes in the 20th Century. The present world is faced with the most important challenges - such as are poverty, violence & the threat of nuclear war, international lawlessness, environmental dangers, and violations of human rights due to the process of Globalization in the 21st century.
Many civilians and families are sufferings in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, and Palestine due to violent military aggression because of violations of human rights.
The United Nations supposedly in existence to prevent wars but is unable to stop the violence. The biggest agenda of humanity can the UN Bring Peace to the World?
Five threats of humanity and Global security
The world has been transformed in to Global village. At present, we are living in an age of globalization, transition and age of transformation. Globalization has created ripples not only in the business world but has created a great impact on the humanity. We have stepped into a new century. Global recession, poverty, climate change, conflict, violence & war are the main challenges that have dominated the first decade of the 21st century.

According to Mr. Guterres, UN Secretary-General, there are seven threats and tests that stand in the way of global security: nuclear peril, terrorism, unresolved conflicts and systematic violations of international humanitarian law, climate change, rising inequality, unintended consequences of innovation, and people on the move. The Threats faced by humanity are many but the most pressing are the five Global main threats which humanity is facing now are given below:
1) Global Poverty is threat of increasing Poverty; 2) Global Economy; 3) Global Democracy;
4) Global Climate change and 5) Global Security – increasing conflict, violence & threat of chemical & nuclear war.
The United Nations supposedly in existence to prevent wars but is unable to stop the violence. Many of these problems can only be solved effectively globally. So it is important to have sound processes of building a world parliament to solve the global challenges.
The biggest agenda of 21st century is can the UN Bring Peace to the World? And how to create World Peace & and how to create the Peaceful planet?
Globalization, Global Governance and Democracy
Globalization is seen as a process of international, economic, political and cultural integration. Globalization marks a impact on business world and but also on the whole humanity. The year 1991 seen as era of Globalization The giant leap forward in liberalized the economy in 1991 ushering in a new era of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization.
The process of globalization is the process of international, economic, political and cultural integration, has led to a transformation of the state.
At the turn of the 21st Century, the world was immediately gripped by the conflicts, violence and war on Terrorism. In reflection, the 20th Century was a period marked by tremendous technological and economic progress — but it was also the most violent century in human history.
Global Education is humanity’s most effective instrument for consciously steering social evolution to maximize the benefits and minimize the disruption and trauma associated with it. There is an urgent need for Global Education for global governance and global democracy for creating world peace & human well-being in 21st century.
What are the aims of global education?
The main aim of the global education is creating global citizens: A Global Citizen is someone who is aware of the wider world and has a sense of his or her own role as a world citizen, who respects and values diversity, takes responsibility for his actions and feels an ethical responsibility to others around the globe.
Global education for creating global citizens: Global education for creating Global citizens and raising awareness of global challenges such as poverty or the inequalities caused by the uneven distribution of resources, environmental degradation, violent conflicts or human rights,
Global governance is used to signify the transformation of politics from a hierarchical, state-based order to dynamic, multi-level networks.
It characterizes a system of sovereignty of states, legal equality of states and non-intervention in the international affairs of one state by another, as originally embodied in the Peace of Westphalia,1648). The new architecture of institutions, rules and procedures as well as the cooperation between governmental and non-governmental actors on an international level indicates a new mode of political and social order.
Global education is an active process of building world parliament to achieve global Governance and global democracy for developing world parliament i 21st century.
Why we need World Parliament?
A democratically elected World Parliament is urgently needed far more effective and fair way to address a wide range of global problems.
World Parliament is required for creating world peace and to solve the global problems - inequality and economic justice, environment and climate change, war and violence, and the erosion of democracy in 21st century. .
Mr. Laszlo Szombatfalvy: “OUR GLOBAL SYSTEM IS NOT EQUIPPED TO DEAL WITH TODAY’S RISKS. Our current international system – including but not limited to the United Nations – was set up in another era, following the Second World War. It is no longer fit for purpose to deal with 21st century risks that can affect people anywhere in the world. We urgently need fresh new thinking in order to address the scale and gravity of today’s global challenges, which have outgrown the present system’s ability to handle them”[1].
Global Education for One World & World Parliament
A democratically elected World Parliament is urgently needed far more effective and fair way to address a wide range of global problems. We believe that this global level of government, which is presently lacking, is the key to ensuring a peaceful and prosperous future for all of humanity.
"I have no doubt in my mind that the World Government must and will come, for there is no other remedy for the world's sickness. It can be an extension of the federal principle, a growth of the idea underlying the United Nations, giving each always to the basic covenant of the world Government." Jawaharlal Nehru 1948 .
“Mankind’s desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government. With all my heart I believe that the world’s present system of sovereign nations can only lead to barbarism, war, and inhumanity.” Albert Einstein 1945
Seven main Principles of ‘Building the World Parliament’
We all have this common mission of ‘Peace on the Earth Movement’ and Global vision for ‘Building the World Parliament’ Today, it is imperative that every human being bears the responsibility of building peace and harmony in his or her heart. There is greater need for the world to unite spiritually, conceptually, and politically for Building the World Parliament’
The Seven main principles of ‘Building the World Parliament’ are as follows:
1. Principles of Oneness We are part of a global whole, everything in the universe are interconnected and interdependent through the principle of oneness.
2. Principle of Peace & Human dignity is very essential Building the World Parliament.
3. Principle of Understanding & Tolerance
4. Principle of Love for unity of people & unity of religions for Building the World Parliament .
5. Principle of Cooperation & Respect: Human unity is cooperation and respect for each other.
6. Principle of dialogue: World Peace can be achieved through dialogue.
7. Principle of Unity: All people are connected to the Earth in a common and interdependent whole.
Building Bridges of Peace:
Finally Let us make the bridges of Peace through love:
Peace through love “When we love we share and not tear. When we love we win and not lose When we love, we open and not close. When we love, we unite and not divide. When we love, we progress and not retreat.”Let us make the “Bridges of Love” not the boundaries of hatredness.
References :
1. B Lösch - ‎2011 - ‎ The Political Dimension of Global Education - Journal of Social ...
2. Can the UN Bring Peace to the World? - The Restored Church of God
3. The Constitution for the Federation of Earth "The Earth Constitution" (WCPA)
5. The Political Dimension of Global Education: Global Governance and Democracy
6. Szombatfalvy, Laszlo. Letter from the Founder, 2016:
7. Guterres (2017) UN Chief: “Nuclear Peril” Tops List of Seven Global Threats September 19, 2017
8. UNESCO The relevance of education for achieving sustainable development, global citizenship, peace, human rights, gender equality and more...… ----------------------------------------------------------------
Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra Associate Professor.(Hon.)
Intercultural Open University (IOU),Nl
President GHA & Chairman Board -- Global Harmony Association, India
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India,
M-09910241586 E-mail:

Dr.Subhash Chandra

“Global Education for Building a World Parliament in the age of Globalization"

The world has witnessed dramatic changes in the 20th Century. At present, we are living in an age of globalization, transition and age of transformation. The present world is faced with the most important challenges - such as are poverty, violence & the threat of nuclear war, international lawlessness, environmental dangers, and violations of human rights due to the process of Globalization in the 21st century. .
This is the wake up call of humanity and it is the time of new thinking for global governance, global democracy and global education and for creating a new World Parliament to find the solutions of global problems in 21st century.
Global Education is humanity’s most effective instrument for creating social harmony, for good global governance, global democracy and for welfare of humankind. The main objectives of the paper are:
1) To create social awareness for culture of peace &harmony through global education for global governance and global democracy for creating a new world order
2) To create a World Parliament that can take effective steps to protect our world and future generations for developing a global non-violent sustainable society in 21st century.
Dr. Subhash Chandra Associate Professor.(Hon.)
Intercultural Open University (IOU),Nl,
Project Director, Global Peace & Humanity Project
President GHA & Chairman Board – Global Harmony Association, India

Tue, 05/15/2018 - 08:34 Permalink