Prophets, sages, seers and philosophers of all traditions are spiritual scientists. They deliberate upon great questions of existence and our place in the universe, such as: “Where did this infinitely diverse universe come from? Who am I? How do I relate with the universe?” “What is my purpose in life?” etc. The spiritual scientists arrive at an unseen reality, called spirit, underlying the universe. Although in itself invisible, the spirit is immensely visible by its effects. It is the common ground of diverse beings in the universe of the inanimate and the animate. We all are thus connected by it making us one deep down. For this reason, we are urged to love our neighbor as ourselves, something our world is truly struggling with in these troubled times. However, this unity in diversity is central to the core spirituality of all religions. It is meaningful to all, irrespective of religion, in relating with other beings and nature. Modern scientists enquired about the existence of the material world. They too arrived at a similar unseen reality, called energy, as its source and common ground which is less comprehensive than the spirit because its scope excludes the animate world. For the inanimate world, the existence of a common ground may seem meaningless: two rocks cannot care about their underlying unity. However, for thinking and feeling human beings, understanding that we share a common ground between us and the rest of universe is immensely meaningful and potentially transformative. This common ground unites us all provided we are aware of it, understand it, and feel it. Yet, for the most part, our current education system fails to make us aware of this common ground. As a result, humanity is too fractured to collectively pursue our common good. Glaring examples are our widespread human and environmental problems threatening our very existence. The Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc. envisions an education system for the future centered on the common ground which develops knowledge, skill and attitudes that empower us to treat each other with mutual respect, love, compassion, empathy, kinship and oneness. Toward that end, SHEN is profoundly committed to research, develop, promote, and deliver both formal and informal education in the core spirituality of humanity, and to be the catalyst for embedding it in education systems worldwide. For the last 15 years, we have been working hard to propel our stated goal. We are a small and fledgling organization with big goals. Our resources, both human and financial, are limited. We are seeking help with ideas and resources to fast track this work which is much needed today as ever.
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