Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN)
Online on Zoom

Eleventh Annual Reflective Conference
Envision the Future of Education: Teaching Unity in Diversity 
Saturday, September 26th, Sunday, October 4th, Saturday, October 10th, and Sunday, October 18th   
10:00am to 12:30pm Eastern

This conference examines the what, why, and how of contemplative education—a model of education that helps us develop a spirit of unity in diversity. What is it, what can we learn from other disciplines that are using it, and how can educators use contemplative education in their classrooms?

SHEN has a draft proposal that requires your participation and contribution. The proposal is a culmination of years of convening and writing, and it brings together the research and ideas of prior SHEN presenters and conference participants. The proposal will be shared with education stakeholders to generate greater knowledge about these ideas so that they can be integrated in educational curricula across the globe.

Join this year’s conference! You’ll:

  • Learn what contemplative education is, how you can harness your inner energy to connect with others, and the important role that contemplative education can play in de-polarizing our world.
  • Be heard and have your ideas considered for incorporating spirituality into education.
  • Build a lasting network with like-minded people from around the globe.
  • Gain exposure as a contributing changemaker and open doors for professional opportunities.
  • Be an associate of the proposals journey to policy change.
  • Receive a copy of the proposal when it is finalized.

Contemplative education can change lives. And we would love for you to journey with us. We need you to tell us what works with the proposal, and how we can strengthen it.

This is a working conference comprised of four online sessions. While we will miss seeing you in person, we are thrilled that this online forum enables people from across the globe to join!

Session details:

Saturday, September 26 (10:00am - 12:30pm, EDT)

  • Introduction to the Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN)
  • Sharing of SHEN’s work over the past 20 years—contemplative education
  • The Proposal

Sunday, October 4 (10:00am - 12:30pm, EDT)

  • What is holistic science? The convergence of metaphysics, scripture, and modern science

Saturday, October 10 (10:00am - 12:30pm, EDT)

  • Why contemplative education? What does it help us see and learn that we can’t from traditional education models?
  • How do we get there?
    • Examples of contemplative education from the past and present: how does it inform our work?

Sunday, October 18 (10:00am - 12:30pm, EDT)

  • Overview of conference working sessions to date and next steps for proposal
  • Integrating contemplative education in educational models worldwide, and implications for public policy

Register here!

Agenda for each session:

  • 10:00am – 10:10am: Introductions
  • 10:10am – 11:00am: Presentation and comment/reflection on key theme
  • 11:00am – 11:15am: Break
  • 11:15am – 12:30pm: Curated discussions

Register here!