June 21, 2023
held at
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Fear, craving, aversion, and egoism are major afflictions underlying our human condition. They originate in sense perception and sensory response. We, individually and collectively, will be happier without them is a truth within our intellectual grasp. But, we need more than intellectual conviction to drop them because direct sense experience is much stronger than mere intellect grasp.

To resolve the problem, we need a higher level of consciousness than an intellectual grasp. Such a level of consciousness is attainable only in a state of focus deeper than needed for an intellectual grasp. The mind capable of this vision is a mind capable of Vipassana (vision with special eyes).

Vipassana meditation, as taught by (Late) Satya Narain Goenka, is a practice of Vedic origin that takes individuals to this higher level of consciousness. This practice uses breathing to bridge the gap between our sight in the waking state and a special vision. Vipassana meditation is the technology of making visionaries out of ordinary people.

This panel will present video clips of eminent researchers of the unappreciated power of the breath. It will also share videos of the modern use of Vipassana to transform hardened criminals into law-abiding citizens. In addition, those who attended a ten-day Vipassana retreat will share their personal experiences of this life-changing practice.