Submitted by ShivTalwar on

There exist divisive forces that use human differences like religion, race, sex, etc. to manipulate, control and exploit. These forces can to be countered effectively only by raising deep human consciousness through education in our connectedness and our underlying oneness.

Human history abounds in instances of religion being used by powerful political and economic forces for achieving their goals usually at the cost of immense violence, pain, and misery. Religions themselves, through misdirected institutional loyalty and human condition have acquiesced in being exploited by internal and external divisive forces. Similar is the case with other human differences such as race, color, sex, ethnicity, physical features, age, etc.

Today, modern technology has incomparably enhanced the power of these divisive forces. Instant communication and fast transportation have made the world into what is likened to a global village. At the same time, modern weapons have immensely increased the scope of mass destruction. As a result, alliances of the religious with the political, economic and other divisive forces have never been deadlier. There is an urgent need to attenuate human greed and passions to prevent the formation of these deadly alliances.

Human history has amply demonstrated the need of taking effective steps in guiding humanity in positive directions not only by preventing the divisive use of religion, but also by promoting its legitimate role of uniting humanity. Not too long ago in history, we all lived in homogenous societies where everybody had a shared race, a shared culture and a shared religion. Thanks to modern transportation, we now live in pluralistic societies and thanks to modern telecommunication facilities we can instantly communicate around the globe. We cannot effectively live in a small global village with traditional outlooks nurtured in homogeneous societies.