Small Group Evaluation

At the SHEN Conference in August 2010, there were three small group sessions of mindful listening, one following each of the three keynote speakers and the set of concurrent workshops which followed each speaker.

Each small group session started with 20 minutes of meditation. The practice of mindful listening consisted of two Rounds of Sharing. In the First Round, participants shared what moved their hearts and minds as they listened to the keynote speaker and/or the workshop presenter. In the Second Round, participants shared (1) what struck them as they listened to the sharing in the First Round, and (2) Is there anything emerging in the small group or the conference as a whole that is bigger than us, that is globalizing us? Any wisdom, idea, insight, energy, etc. ?

Below are the participant contributions to the Second Round of mindful listening. They are reflections on the flow of energy and wisdom teachings of conference participants. They provide insights into the story that is bigger than the sum of our individual stories.
After the Second Round comments are the comments from the two Plenary Sessions, one held on Saturday evening and the other at the end of the conference, on Sunday afternoon.

SESSION ONE (Saturday morning)

- A sense of "meant-to-be". I am on my path. Listen closely, help me, hear us.
- We need to tag interest: inspire creativity, provide a vision, and provide a picture to visually identify with.
- We understand and involve children in understanding. Universal consciousness (spirit)
- Frustrated
- Oneness is more striking when discovered in diversity.
- The diverse talks reflect a rich variety of human being.
- Unity and diversity
- Humanity
- Three important things for me/us to function well in this world: strong foundation, open heart, open mind.
- I have to keep my mind open always. Be aware of others' miseries and joys. It's easy to speak (preach) but it's very difficult to practice. How do actions and words go together, at least approximately?
- Equality
- Unity and oneness
- Unity in diversity
- I am OK with discussion.
- Hope
- Need to seek a common principle
- Human beings have always tried to find the connection between the ultimate reality and the spirit and keep coming up with different answers; it is enlightening to find out about them.
- Spirituality should be taught at a young age through age appropriate education based on creativity/curiosity.
- Have different spiritual courses that cater to different people: novice, intermediate, expert.
- Word has to be spread around so people can remember the basics of humanity. Loving, sharing, getting an answer to the questions, "Why are we here on earth?" "Who am I?"
- Community and Love
- Human instinct to belong leads to all human groupings, but now we need a deep sense of empathy for others to unite all humanity. Age appropriate education, devoid of early inculcation of minds, will lead to a global peace.
- Connect, reflect and live in the spirit. Share what each of us have. Come together towards the same cause - spirituality. Mirror is the reflection of who we are - keep working on ourselves.
- Let us live in peace.
- Reverence and respect
- Leaving fear behind
- Anticipation
- Creativity and curiosity are tremendous tools which move us towards collaboration and unity.
- The issue that I saw is the need to explore the underlying concept of the Oneness of Spirituality found within diverse religions. education - age appropriate with inspired teaching to present fundamental principles in a creative, non-denominational, traditional manner.
- Impressive talk (Sati's). I have so much to learn and explore. Looking forward to the rest of the day. Think.........
- The power of silence, a language that unifies.
- We are not alone.
- Receptivity
- Harmony
- Good vibes - worthy goals
- Unity of hearts
- Open
- Love and celebration. Unity or Diversity
- Our diversity of beliefs, interests and appearance create a beautiful rainbow. This enriches us in many ways.
- Being humble and doing the best one can do, brings out the best in others. Reaching Brahma through communion with nature. Being comfortable with myself is the best gift!
- On one's journey of life on towards "enlightenment", might we celebrate the unique distinctiveness of creation's diversity (and human diversity), not fretting about achieving the goal but be content simply to BE. On this journey strive to lift up, serve and support the marginalized and oppressed.

SESSION TWO (Saturday afternoon)

- Meaningful sharing, enriching! Missed Dr. Turner's talk on living spirituality. His talk seemed to have touched the main topic of the seminar!
- The meeting is a reminder that there are others who are like us, relishing diversity while living in unity.
- Reverence (for others) vs. Respect (which is a judgement). Cannot remember which book I read this in.
- We are leaves of the trees that line the river of life. These leaves are for the healing of nations.
- Commonality. One God. Love.
- With gratitude to many people who made another change within possible.
- Imperative to seek.
- Be optimistic because there exists kindness.
- I am most me when I am here.
- Mind to heart. Hearing to tasting.
- Open your mind.
- I felt enlightened.
- ?
- Equal
- Focus on God
- Reassurance with the process.
- Seeking
- Lightness
- Meaning of life
- Commonality
- Diverse perspectives
- Unity in diversity
- Undertaking
- Believing in differences is believing in oneness.
- One Reality Supreme. Many manifestations.
- Holding the sacred other and being transformed.
- Pull together, united and in harmony.
- Love and compassion
- Love the creation as much as the creator.
- Have a pure spirit.
- Mysticism of the everyday. Whatever is mine is yours. Coexistence in your own boxes is not a celebration of diversity.
- Take action to achieve "Universal Brotherhood".

SESSION THREE (Sunday morning)

- Is what is emerging simply part of the eternal process of expansion and contraction? We began as one and then became races and tribes as we spread across the globe and we adapted our lives and religions to our particular circumstances and geography. Now we have gone as far as we can go in the material world so we are drawn back to the spiritual centre of oneness again.
- Many different faiths that caused some slight clashing - the analogies (rivers coming together and uniting, earth holding together two poles) seemed to heal and bring people together.
- Meditation in between gives a sense of "retreat". Refreshing and rejuvinating!
- There has been a movement from an appreciation of the interfaith dialogue to the experience that we are all one in the transcendent.
- This theme of unity is the only subject that will get us anywhere! Thank you for doing this, cannot thank you enough! Till next year!
- Talks can be technical, but if we ground them in real-life examples (the endangered earth, human oppression, people coming together), the idea behind spirituality can be expressed.
- Continued emphasis on process, not just content = ways of engaging people and ideas beyond just the single talk; also, discussion of "best processes".
- An experience like this conference is a gift from the Universe; acknowledged with gratitude.
- My age defeated me, my ongoing wisdom and learning will overcome.
- Living Master needed to guide us to one truth.
- SHEN is the way to go.
- Being driven by altruism, not by desire.
- Many streams join to form a river. Many rivers finally reach to form the mighty ocean. So are religions to understand the truth. Read this 30 years back from the work of Swami Vivekananda.
- We need each other to evolve.
- Better understanding - non-judgemental and more accepting of the differences.
- Love and compassion for all creation.
- Form and essence.
- When you have peace of mind, God is with you.
- Essence of Being - Oneness. Different paths/traditions without labelling.
- Insights underlying the words "unity in diversity" - journey from the circumference to the centre.
- God is One.
- Group Power.
- One God, Many Paths, Personal Experience, Shared Community, Radiating Outwards, Embracing All.
- Greater optimism.