John Lougheed
Nov 21, 2007
held at
University of Waterloo

John Lougheed is a Spiritual Care Provider at the Grand River Hospital and Regional Cancer Centre (GRH/RCC) in Kitchener . He is an Ordained Minister in The United Church of Canada, and a Specialist (Pastoral Care) with the Canadian Association of Pastoral Practice and Education (CAPPE), with a particular interest in Spiritual Care in a multifaith context.

As a founding member of Interfaith Grand River (IGR) - the watershed’s forum for interfaith dialogue and activity - John has represented the local hospitals, and offered a United Church perspective, on the issues and projects addressed by IGR. This has included providing advice and assistance to the School Boards, Police Service, Media, and other community partners, as well as helping to design the new Sanctuary at GRH/RCC.

In this seminar, John shared some insights about the privilege and challenge of meeting the Spiritual Care needs of patients, families and staff from a wide spectrum of faith perspectives and life experiences, and suggested some strategies for “listening to what we hear.” John presented this seminar at the University of Waterloo to an audience of 24.