Bob Chodos
Jan. 29, 2004
held at
University of Waterloo

Bob Chodos offered this seminar at the University of Waterloo with an audience of 25 persons.

How do religious leaders promote harmonious community living with tolerance, understanding, respect, interdependence and love in pluralistic societies without compromising on fidelity to their own beliefs?

In his seminar, Bob plans to address this important question, from the vantage point of his own Jewish tradition but seeking insight from other traditions as well.

Bob feels that the various dimensions of religious exclusiveness need to be identified and explored. Can we be exclusive in traveling the path of our personal salvation or liberation, while at the same time being inclusive in respecting others in their respective paths?

If all beings in the universe are spiritually one through One Supreme Being, then are not all paths one in the Oneness of the Destination? Can we love and respect our own path without loving and respecting other paths, or other paths without loving and respecting our own? Can we tread more than one path at the same time? You are invited to come and explore these and other related questions with Bob in this seminar.

Bob is a founding director of Across Boundaries Multifaith Institute. Bob involved the audience intimately in the discussion with a set of questions he included in the handout.