DR. Shiv Talwar
Feb 15, 2006
held at
University of Waterloo

This movie brings out the interconnected of all things through documentary style interviews of fourteen scientists and thinkers who stand outside the unfolding the story of Amanda.

Amanda’s sees life and her work as lackluster, humdrum and devoid of meaning. Things happen then that lead her into a discovery of reality quite unlike her prior perception. She discovers her capacity of deep human relationships; overcomes fears; learns to relax; and gains wisdom.

The interview ideas reveal truths about human essence. Science and spirituality are not in conflict. On the contrary, these ideas show how spirituality and science are trying to answer the same deep questions about truth that human life in the totality of its experience poses itself.

Shiv has been involved in the SHEN work for quite some time and he will lead an interactive discussion about this movie. Please watch it and come prepared to share your ideas. It is available at the local movie rental businesses.

Time and technology permitting, we may watch certain movie clips together for clarification and emphasis. Shiv presented this seminar at the University of Waterloo to an audience of 13.