Teachers with SHEN

Dr. Santwana Kar, PhD

Santwana is based in Basel, Switzerland and has lived in Africa, India and U.K before arriving in Switzerland; her life split between three counties and six cities. She speaks four languages. On a scholarship from India and the UK, she completed a Ph.D. at the Univerisity of Cambridge and a diploma in Business Management from London Business School. She published a paper from her PhD work that shed the first light on the working of tau protein, a major player in Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Pradeep Kumar (Jivasu), MD

Jivasu is a pediatrician who went on to study integrative mind-body medicine at Harvard Medical School and Acupuncture in Sri Lanka and Canada. Based on his transformation, his work focuses on the bio-psychological architecture of what he calls ‘Soma. The Soma framework explores the scientific basis of healing traumas, living in our somatic self, and attaining complete health and transformation. 

Dr. Shiv D. Talwar

Dr. Talwar is a founding member of SHEN. He also has served on its Board of Directors in the capacity of its President since its very inception in year 2000. His volunteers in the training of community volunteers and students at the School of Pharmacy in providing stress management workshops in the community at large.