Swami Maheshanada Saraswati
Apr 22, 2009
held at
University of Waterloo

This seminar aims at a fundamental understanding of the Yoga Sutra of sage Patanjali. This treatise on the practice of Yoga stands out for its secular and comprehensive approach to the management of the mental processes through understanding of their operation.

Popular concepts relate Yoga primarily with physical exercise and bodily postures. On the contrary, Yoga aims at mental health resulting in pathways to spiritual insights. Physical health is a side benefit.

Human ego resulting from our likes, dislikes, habits, addictions, aversions, conditioning, phobias, complexes, projections, assumed identities and mental blockages keeps us from subtle insights and our creative potential. Yoga aims at removing these barriers to human development resulting in inner harmony, tranquility, balance, creativity, and health through a deep understanding of our nature.

Swami Maheshanand Saraswati is a member of the faculty at the prestigious Bihar School of Yoga in Munger , India . He presented this seminar at the University of Waterloo to an audience of 25.