Ven. Sam Uttho
Jul. 31, 2003
held at
University of Waterloo

Venerable Sam offered this seminar at the University of Waterloo with an audience of approximately 45 persons.

Suffering is a significant fact of human lives. Daily stress of living in modern times is also a form of suffering. We all have experienced it. In the modern world, people have sought paths to transcend their suffering in search for permanent happiness and peace.

Dealing with suffering is a great lesson that all people need to learn in order to find their respective paths to overcome or subdue it. In this seminar, Ven. Sam who has taught at Mahamakut Buddhist University in Thailand, will presented a Buddhist perspective on the problem of human suffering. The issues that explored in this discussion included what constitutes suffering, what are the major causes of our suffering, and what the paths we can take to overcome it.