Peter van Driel
Apr 21, 2010
held at
University of Waterloo

This presentation will provide a brief introduction to the teachings of Baha’u’llah, regarding spiritual empowerment, prayer, world peace, equality, and pursuit of knowledge, for a progressively advancing global civilization.

Born in 1817 in Tehran , Iran , Baha’u’llah (Mirza Hussein Ali Nuri) renounced his position of administrative authority in order to focus on teaching about the oneness of humanity and helping the poor. Over the course of his life, he revealed several works with the objective of promoting a new world order intended to assist humankind to grow closer to God, continue on our journey of acquiring knowledge for the betterment of humankind, and eliminate all forms of social inequalities. Baha’u’llah refers to all of the major religions of the world to demonstrate the oneness of God. He emphasizes family values, ethical matters, and a revised system of governance, all in the context of a renewed system intended to assist both individuals, and collectively, all humankind manage today’s problems to realize tomorrow’s opportunities.

Jason Manseau presented this seminar at the University of Waterloo to an audience of 25.