Emi Miller, R.N., HN-BC, L.Ac, ND

For more than forty years Emi Miller has dedicated her life to seeking wisdom from the heart of the world’s religious and spiritual traditions. During this time she has developed and led Interfaith peace circles, meditation, sound and breath-work classes and seminars, healing services, and prayer services throughout the United States and in Europe. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist, NCCAOM Certified, Asian Bodywork Therapist, and a traditional Naturopath. She is a Registered Nurse, a Certified Holistic Nurse, and an Interfaith, Stephen Minister. She has owned and managed an Integrative, Holistic Health practice for twenty-five years. Miller has taught Natural Medicine, Acupuncture, Five Element, Meditation, Interfaith and Breath and Sound classes in universities, private and public schools and hospitals to nursing and medical students, as well as Natural Medicine students and practitioners, and the lay public, and has published many Integrative Medicine, Interfaith and Spirituality articles, in professional journals, magazines and newsletters. She has recently published her first book, “In Wisdom's Light, A Message of Peace for All People,” a compilation of Interfaith poetry and prose which is available on Amazon.com, and she leads a poetry critique group. She is also the founder of the Multi-Region URI Wisdom’s Circle, dedicated to elevating consciousness, through Interfaith education, holding world-wide prayer and meditation days, and has had a world-wide following of her poetry and Interfaith writings, posted on her public and private websites, for 18 years.

She is currently working on the second and third volumes of In Wisdom’s Light. You can contact her through: www.emispoetryandprose.dreamhosters.com, or through her website: www.integrativeholistichealth.org