Anne Quinn Wallace
held at
Federation Hall Columbia Room, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON


In Christian spirituality, as in other spiritual paths, there is a felt need to shed the false self or the ego and to become our true selves as human beings.

Thomas Merton, the Catholic contemplative writes, “ One of the paradoxes of the mystical life is this  : that a man cannot enter into the deepest center of himself and pass through that center into God, unless he is able to pass entirely out of himself and empty himself and give himself to other people in the  purity of a selfless love”

This is our mission as human beings, to love one another. We are truly well when we truly love unconditionally.

In this presentation, I hope to inspire all of us to give ourselves more diligently to the process of becoming.   I will explore texts, both old and new, which offer advice and practical assistance for the journey.

Anne Quinn Wallace has had a successful career in nursing and midwifery, working in England, Scotland, Channel isles, France and Spain, as well as her native Ireland.

Anne studied Buddhism and has practiced meditation for many years, under the guidance of Shinzen Young, a Zen master.

Upon retirement, from her career, she walked The Camino de Santiago as a discernment process and subsequently entered the Jesuit College at the Toronto School of Theology where she completed a Master’s Degree in Theology and a Diploma in Spiritual Direction. She presently teaches at Regis College in the Spiritual Direction program.

She is an active member of Interfaith Grand River and of St Jerome’s University Community and she offers spiritual direction to people in the Kitchener Waterloo region.