Those who volunteer for SHEN's community outreach ...

Dr. Santwana Kar, PhD

Santwana is based in Basel, Switzerland and has lived in Africa, India and U.K before arriving in Switzerland; her life split between three counties and six cities. She speaks four languages. On a scholarship from India and the UK, she completed a Ph.D. at the Univerisity of Cambridge and a diploma in Business Management from London Business School. She published a paper from her PhD work that shed the first light on the working of tau protein, a major player in Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Sharon McCleave

Sharon received her undergraduate degree in osteopathic medicine in London, England.  She holds master's degrees in adult education, community music, and a PhD in sociology with a special interest in the social determinants of health.  After working in clinical practice for a number of years, she entered the postsecondary education system to teach  undergraduate anatomy, physiology, pathology, lifespan development, social inclusion, and mental health.  Sharon is a classically trained musician, and a multi-instrumentalist.  As a community mus

Dr. Pradeep Kumar (Jivasu), MD

Jivasu is a pediatrician who went on to study integrative mind-body medicine at Harvard Medical School and Acupuncture in Sri Lanka and Canada. Based on his transformation, his work focuses on the bio-psychological architecture of what he calls ‘Soma. The Soma framework explores the scientific basis of healing traumas, living in our somatic self, and attaining complete health and transformation. 

Dr. M Darrol Bryant

Distinguished Professor Emeritus and currently Director of the Centre for Dialogue & Spirituality in the World Religions at Renison University College/University of Waterloo, he was educated at Concordia College (BA Philosophy & Political Science), Harvard Divinity School (STB, Theology), and the Institute of Christian Thought, St. Michael’s University College (PhD, Special Religious Studies). He taught at Waterloo Lutheran University (now Wilfrid Laurier) 1967-69 and Renison College, University of Waterloo (1973-2007).

Dr. Sanjiv Talwar

Sanjiv Talwar is an international senior financial executive with over 25 years of experience in multinational banking institutions in Canada, Europe and Asia. Mr. Talwar focused on the use of advanced quantitative techniques for value generation, integrated risk and capital management as well as e-commerce. In addition to Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc. (SHEN), Sanjiv currently is on the advisory board for Banyan Investment Group. Dr. Talwar holds a PhD in aerospace engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Dr. Peter Morris

In his working life, Late Dr. Peter Morris was a professional geologist. Now he is the president of Abrazos Canada , an independent charitable organization located in Waterloo Canada. The goal of Abrazos Canada is to work with small organizations and local groups in Latin America, at the beginning of their activities or perhaps in the initial stages of development.

Vicky Wilson Garach

Vicky Garach moved to the Waterloo region from Toronto with her husband in 1990 to live and work as a CDR and CPDA in his dental practice. While working, she continued her certification in the Ontario Management and Development Program at Conestoga College in Kitchener, ON.

Her priority and focus was in caring and nurturing her growing family of three children. Vickyʼs spiritual interest started in 2010 , which led her to pursue a certification as a primordial sound meditation Instructor from Chopra Center University, Carlsbad, California in 2012.

Dr. Kamran Mofid

Prof. Kamran Mofid is Founder of the Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (founded at an international conference in Oxford in 2002) and Co- founder/Editor, Journal of Globalisation for the Common Good, hosted at Purdue University, USA, member of the International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the World Public Forum, Dialogue of Civilisations, and Founding Member, World Dignity University, and Global Advisory Board, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies. Mofid received his BA and MA in economics from the University of Windsor, Canada in 1980 and 1982 respectively.

Fred M. J. Lawlor

Fred is a seasoned hotel industry professional with a background and experience in all aspects of the business. A charismatic leader with over 30 years of results and relationships built from progressive leadership roles in the hospitality industry, active academic and community board memberships.