Gita Morar immigrated to Canada in 1985. Her undergraduate degree, B.A.(Arts), and gradaute degrees, B.A.Hns.S.W. and M.A.Clin.Psych. were received from the University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. She has since specialized in Brief Interactive Therapy at the renouned Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, and Midfulness Based Stress Reduction in New York, U.S.A. During her career, she worked as a young social worker with Family Services in Durban, initiated the first service in mental health for East Indians in Johannesburg, practiced as a Psychologist, and taught Psychology at the University of Durban-Westville in South Africa. At present, she is practicing as a Psychotherapist at Cambridge Mind/Body Institute, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. She is involved in many community organizations both at local and national level.

Gita's involvement with spirituality and ethics commenced at a young age in the form of informal lessons and later structured courses, and has eveolved over the years through reading and exposure in this field. Coming from a family in which elders were Gandhians, from a country where the term Satyagraha itself was invented by Gandhi, and from the city of Pietermaritzburg where Gandhi was thrown out of a train, also influenced and impacted on her spiritual evolvement. Gandhi believed in "human comradeship which would transcend religious divisions". His actions and writings "compel us to reconsider our own considerations on how to act inter-religiously by responding carefully to the possibilities inherent in our committments to truth and human community." Gita states that such spiritual and ethical education and experience, had a significant impact on the development of her own values in life. She would like to see SHEN achieve its mission by providing an internet website to promote worldwide education, research and dialogue in a focused and disciplined manner.